Members and Donors

The Clemson Little Theatre is eternally grateful to those who join the theatre as ​Members and especially those who give above and beyond. A list of CURRENT ​MEMBERS is linked below:

Donors 2023-2024

Each year Donors give to CLT money ​separate from the price of Season ​Tickets. Those Donors provide extra ​funds to help CLT survive and ​thrive. Those Donors are honored ​here.

Founders and Lifetime Members

In 1989 a core group of like-minded ​individuals and groups pledged ​money to secure an old movie ​theatre in Pendleton as the ​foundation of a new home for CLT. ​Those Founders are honored here.

Benefactors – Phase 2

A second round of fundraising in ​1990, yielded additional money to ​purchase, refurbish, and expand the ​Pendleton Playhouse. The ​Benefactors and Donors who met ​that challenge are honored here.

Contact Us

Th​e Clemson Little Theatre

Pendleton Playhouse

214 S. Mechanic Street, Pendleton, SC 2967​0

Email Address

Phone Number

(864) 646-8100

© The Clemson Little Theatre